Linkedin Automatisation: How to set up Linkedin automations in 2025?

Published on
January 13, 2025
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When you are a salesperson, you seek to generate more turnover. We can offer new solutions to our current customers or generate new customers. 

Sometimes, generating new customers is harder than you think: you have to go and find them, but where? How much? And how? 

In addition to this, the buyer is becoming more and more demanding, the purchasing cycle is long (especially in B2B), trust in salespeople is reduced... 

And then, when we look for a prospect on LinkedIn, we must also ask ourselves a thousand and one questions: is he interested? How do I approach this person? Who should I turn to?

In short, it’s GA-LÈRE! 

But hey, we're not going to leave you like that. Our solution: LinkedIn automation!

You already know our love for ultra-personalization, so let me explain our obsession with automation! 

Because with the 35 million users on LinkedIn (and this, only in France), you are not ready to finish your this case, automating your prospecting on LinkedIn will be your best ally. 

What is automation on LinkedIn and how to set it up? I'll explain! 😁

What is LinkedIn automation?

LinkedIn automation, which is part of your Marketing Automation strategy, consists of delegating certain repetitive tasks to specialized tools. 

You can do lots of things on LinkedIn: 

  • Optimize your profile 
  • Publish content (posts, newsletters, articles, etc.) on your profile or company page 
  • Connect with people (invite them to your network, invite them to like your business page)
  • Looking for new talent for your business
  • Find a job 
  • Send messages (private messages, comments under content, publication in groups, etc.) 
  • Interact with content that you read 

Some of these things will be able to be automated. For example, sending connections to key people, initiating conversations with your target, follow-ups, etc. 

So in itself, for commercial prospecting, it’s pretty cool! 

LinkedIn automation above all means that your prospecting will partly be automated, that is to say that certain tasks will be carried out without your help (provided certain upstream installations are made, we will see that later), to that you focus on strategic tasks. 

If we take for example sending messages to your target, depending on Hootsuite, automation could triple your response rate. And yes, it’s logical: if you automate this task, you don’t send messages to 1, 2, 15 people, but rather 200, 500, 1000

Spending your day like that 👇 is over!

On LinkedIn, if you take the time to target your prospects, expand your network, follow up with each will never end it. With an automation tool, these tasks can be completed in minutes đŸ„č

Everything is increased tenfold, everything is on a larger scale, everything is
better! Exactly, let’s see all the advantages of LinkedIn automation 👇

What are the benefits of LinkedIn automation?

LinkedIn automation has a lot of advantages
with very few disadvantages! 

Already, logically, it saves us time (otherwise, we would have difficulty getting started...) for your lead generation. 

 If we do the calculation: 

  • find the right people on LinkedIn and increase your network: several hours 
  • time to get to know a person: several hours 
  • time to write your message: 15 minutes per person
  • time to manually send each message: several hours 

With automation, several hours turn into minutes: your tool searches for the right people for you, explores the personality of each individual, writes your content and automatically sends messages. 

You do in half a day what used to take all of your time. Automation allows you to optimize processes and get the most out of LinkedIn.

The second advantage we notice is that LinkedIn automation improves your sales efficiency. 

With a tool, you will be able to create “workflows”, that is to say sequences of several contents sent according to the behavior of the prospect. Once again, everything is sent automatically, you just have to set up the workflow. 

Has the prospect not responded yet? send a reminder automatically; 

The prospect did not click on the link? send new content automatically; 

The prospect has read but has not made an appointment? Offer it to him automatically. 

The other idea in terms of efficiency is that your automation tool allows you to target and segment your contact list. Which leads us to the third benefit: personalization at scale. 

Once you have segmented your prospects, and your tool knows them inside and out, you are able (well, your tool) to write content adapted to each segmentation. 

Automation tools allow you to segment according to any criteria: 

  • By industry
  • By geography
  • By company size
  • By behavior on LinkedIn
  • By behavior via content 

Automation will simplify the process and personalization will then become child's play: depending on what the tool knows about prospects and categories, it will write content adapted to each person. 

PS: on the tool Humanlinker, I advise you to tester a workflow with precise segmentation, and let AI generate your messages. You will see, you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the knowledge and content. 😎 

Automation really has plenty of advantages: in the digital age, it is time to use it and optimize your prospecting. 

How does LinkedIn automation work?

LinkedIn automation is actually quite simple. Modern tool types make the task smooth and easy to set up. Exactly, what are the steps to automate, which tool to choose and how to configure the tool? This is what we will see right away. 

Step 1: Choose your LinkedIn automation tool 

We agree that before choosing your tool, the goal is already to define your buyer personal, create a campaign, etc...but I'm sure you know that. 

In France alone, there are plenty of tools specialized in LinkedIn automation. The idea is to know what your objectives are going to be and which tool best meets your strategy. Since we are starting with an automation tool, we might as well ask it to do as many tasks as possible: 

  • Invite connections into your network; 
  • Get to know each person in your target; 
  • Obtain automated scenarios;
  • Write personalized content; 
  • Automatically send messages and reminders

This will be good to start with. 

The all-in-one tool found on the market: Humanlinker. Humanlinker is the most complete tool for 3 reasons: 

  • It meets all the challenges above 👆
  • thanks to the DISC method, he knows the personality of each prospect
  • It uses artificial intelligence to write personalized content for each prospect, according to the DISC report, all automatically of course. 

In all objectivity, we advise you to click here 👇 (free trial)


Step 2: Set up your automation campaigns 

To ensure your campaigns are effective, you need to create automated message sequences. 

The idea here is to have an automation strategy in place for each segment of your audience: based on certain criteria such as geography, company size, industry or prospect behavior. , you will need to segment your sequences. 

Then, you will be able to adapt each scenario and each message to your different audiences. 

When the prospect finds themselves in a specific scenario, their actions determine the next steps in the process: 

  • if the prospect does not respond, a series of automated reminder messages can be sent at predefined intervals; 
  • if the prospect shows interest, specific actions like send an invitation for an appointment can be triggered in your sequence; 
  • depending on its behavior, the prospect can be redirected to scenarios more suited to their needs 



Step: 3 observe the results and adjust accordingly  

Once you have launched your campaigns, I advise you to wait a few weeks before observing the results (well, unless it doesn't work at all, you need to modify your sequences urgently). 3-4 weeks of testing is not bad to verify sensible results. 

Depending on your objectives, messages and audiences, you will need to check: 

  • metrics: open rate, click rate, response rate
  • the content of your messages: you can test different approaches, introductions, tones, etc.
  • if your sequence is well suited to each segment

We told you that LinkedIn automation is simple! To prove it to you, here is a small example: 

Imagine that you are a Marketing Consultant looking to connect with Marketing Managers in the E-commerce sector. You want to offer them a free audit of their online advertising strategy. Before launching your campaign, you create a scenario with three possible responses, depending on the behavior of your prospects:

1. If your prospect shows interest in your offer:

An automated response is sent to him, containing: 

  • A link to a simple form where they can book a session for their free audit.
  • Additional information on the benefits of your service, as well as some customer testimonials.

2. If your prospect tells you he's not interested: 

You automatically send him a follow-up message, polite and non-intrusive, such as:

"Thank you for your feedback! If you are ever looking for solutions to improve your advertising performance in the future, I would be happy to discuss them. Please keep my contact details. 😊"

This allows you to maintain an open relationship, without insisting unnecessarily.

3. If your prospect doesn't respond at all:

An automatic reminder is scheduled after five days, with an engaging message such as:

"Hello [First Name], I hope you are well! I just wanted to make sure that my last message was not lost. If you might be interested in a free audit to optimize your advertising campaigns, I remain at your disposal. 🚀"

You can also test a different approach, by highlighting a concrete example of a result obtained for another client.

Why is this scenario effective?

  • It adapts to the behavior of the prospect: each action or absence of response triggers a personalized step.
  • It increases the chances of conversion: thanks to automated reminders, no prospect slips through the cracks.
  • He maintains respectful communication: messages are designed to inform, without appearing insistent. Thanks to this communication, the prospect is more likely to come back to you when they have a need

What are the risks associated with LinkedIn automation?

Well, you imagine that if LinkedIn loved automation, we would all be using it...In general, there are 5 main automation risks to avoid: 

1. Violation of Linkedin rules 

LinkedIn remains a social network, made up of humans: there are therefore limits to automation, in order to maintain authentic interactions. LinkedIn policy is not a huge fan of automation, or at least it appreciates it in small doses. That is, if you automate, do so carefully. 

For example, sending hundreds of automated messages every day could result in your account being suspended or even permanently closed. đŸ˜±Â 

The same goes for automatic connection requests. 

Here are our tips: 

  • LinkedIn allows up to 100 new connections per week; so do not be excessive in your requests; 
  • Segment your contact lists as precisely as possible, and personalize messages as much as possible to avoid spam. 
  • Check LinkedIn's rules to avoid spam and adapt if they change. 

Many users have had their accounts closed due to illegal automation. These are the consequences of automation, so try to avoid the dangers to avoid penalties! 

2. A lack of personalization 

You know very well what I'm talking about: those famous invitations or LinkedIn messages that pretend to be personalized with our first names, when we all know that it's automatic. 

Don't you think it's losing a little of its value? Me, yes! 

For example :


or even (well, there’s not even an effort to put my first name) 👇


Automation for sending content or invitation requests is truly revolutionary. But some overuse it, prospects receive 10 per day. In this case, the idea is to: 

  • differentiate yourself: through your approach, your message, with your creativity; 
  • segment your prospect lists as much as possible;
  • personalize: the base of the base! Without personalization, you can say goodbye to a good response rate

Here is an example of a personalized message on LinkedIn: 


(I wrote an article with other examples of LinkedIn messages
 it’s by here!) 


3. The risk of saturating your prospects 

Hard reality
 when you send invitations or messages to your prospects, you are certainly not the only one doing so
 there is therefore a risk that your prospects will get tired of receiving messages, content, invitations that are similar . 

The worst part is that it can damage your reputation. 

How to avoid this? here are 3 tips: 

  • you can plan your follow-ups with reasonable intervals (between 3 and 7 days for example) so as not to “drunk” the prospect; 
  • you can also limit your number of reminders. After 3 reminders with no response or only negative responses, it is time to mourn

  • In case you don't receive responses from the prospect, you can simply close the discussion by leaving the door open. If you want to try one last approach before closing the door, there is a sentence that generally works well: “Hello [First Name], I am sending you one last message to find out if we are moving forward together or not? I need this information as I have other contracts pending, 

4. Poor data management 

Automation tools need data to be used. Sometimes confidential and personal data: they can be the email address, telephone number, and all the data present on the prospect's LinkedIn profile. 

If this data leaks or the holding of it does not comply with European rules (GDPR): that sucks! 

Pay attention to: 

  • always use reliable tools, which include a “GDPR compliant” section or which protect your data. To be sure, you can check if the “privacy policies” appear at the very bottom of the tool’s website, like on Humanlinker 👇


  • Limit access to the tool to members of your team who really need it; 
  • Secure your account as much as possible and update the data regularly. 


5. An Addiction to LinkedIn Automation 

Automation on LinkedIn, frankly, is addictive! Especially when we demonstrate its power when it comes to finding clients. The risk here is falling into the trap of wanting to automate absolutely everything, configure the risk of losing the human behind. 

Except that your prospect wants to talk to a human...not a robot. 

The idea would be to combine LinkedIn automation with messages sent manually. For example, when a response is positive, you can continue the conversation manually to further personalize the message. 

How to avoid restrictions when using LinkedIn automation tools?

LinkedIn has very clear rules regarding automation tools. 

To avoid being banned from the platform, you must use LinkedIn automation in a “natural” and human way.

Here are some tips: 

  • respect LinkedIn limits regarding profile search, number of connections, number of messages, etc. 
  • simulate human behavior as much as possible by personalizing your content 
  • focus on the quality of leads and content rather than quantity 
  • use tools that comply with LinkedIn rules 
  • protect your account 
  • combine LinkedIn automation with manual interactions. 

You will find more details here. 

How to automate prospecting on LinkedIn?

How to personalize automated messages?

We saw a little above the different steps for your automation process: 

  • Step 1: Choose the Right Tool 
  • Step 2: configure scenarios
  • Step 3: analyze the results 

Simple, basic! 

But I would like to emphasize the personalization of messages. This is the most important part of prospecting automation. When you have to send requests, it is better to send personalized content that will be read than 100 generic messages and will generate new leads that will go straight to the trash. 

In 2025, the human behind his screen wants nothing other than...a human to talk to! 

He will prefer your personalized content that touched his heart rather than any other message received. 

With personalized messages, you will be able to 1. capture attention, 2. get a response and 3. create a real connection. 

Prioritize the automation of connection requests but without forgetting to personalize interactions. 

It is for this reason that personalization in automation is the differentiating element of Humanlinker! 

The all-in-one tool uses artificial intelligence to analyze your prospects' LinkedIn profiles, suggest personalized elements to include in your messages and write them and follow-up messages. 

In this entire process, AI is extremely important because it will automate time-consuming tasks, while keeping the human side of the relationship thanks to ultra-personalization. 

More messages sent > have a personalized approach > more responses > more customers. 

Don’t forget your audience segmentation for authentic engagement! 

What tools for automating LinkedIn messages?

Since automation on LinkedIn is done in several stages, there are recommended tools for each: 

1. Creation of the prospect base: Humanlinker

Humanlinker is the perfect tool for collecting data, analyzing prospects and organizing a prospect database directly from LinkedIn. Thanks to the Chrome extension, collection is done in seconds! The tool will simplify the search and segmentation of prospects based on certain criteria (industry, company size, geography, etc.) 

In addition, Humanlinker has more than 700 million contacts in its database...literally more than LinkedIn! 



2. Scraping information with Phantombuster

PhantomBuster is a tool that makes it easy to export contact data from platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, or even Google Maps, to improve prospecting at scale and generate qualified leads. 

Salespeople mainly use it to: 

  • extract data 
  • enrich their CRM
  • automate certain interactions 
  • create sending sequences 



3. Creation of sequences with personalization: Lemlist 

Lemlist automates content sequences (LinkedIn and Email) to help salespeople engage in conversations with their prospects. Sales teams leverage the following features:

  • Creation of complete sequences: Messages including personalized images, tailor-made landing pages and prospecting videos.
  • Sending mass emails: Ability to launch large-scale email campaigns.
  • LinkedIn Extension: Automation tool for LinkedIn directly from your browser.


4. Sending sequences by Waalaxy 

Waalaxy is one of the prospecting tools designed to facilitate prospecting in the areas of sales and recruitment.

This tool is aimed at salespeople but also marketing managers or freelancers. 

With Waalaxy, you will be able to send automated messages, perform quick prospect searches, and write your messages easily using templates. 


Warning: this may interest you 👇

What you may not know is that Humanlinker can do all of this. 😁The all-in-one tool revolutionizes your daily life: 

  • no more hours of headaches linked to prospecting 
  • you will be able to collect all the information you need
  • add prospects recommended by Humanlinker in a few clicks 
  • you will never have duplicates 
  • you will be able to personalize each message of each sequence

To test, it costs €0 and it’s here

Here we have presented to you the best LinkedIn automation tools in 2024 that we have seen on the market after several tests. Each has their own specificity, but they remain multi-channel prospecting tools rich in information and “LinkedIn Automation”. 

All you have to do is choose your automation software!

Future Trends in LinkedIn Automation

Now that we’ve said all that, what is the future of LinkedIn automation? 

I think you see me coming: LinkedIn is today bombarded with generic prospecting messages, content written 100% with ChatGPT, random invitations... in short, LinkedIn is the sausage fair. 

I'm not telling you that we need to stop automation and the use of artificial intelligence...on the contrary! But it is necessary GOOD use it. 

Automation saves time and increases the efficiency of your prospecting. However, the impact of automated prospecting will only be fully realized if it remains targeted and adapted to each prospect. 

The future of LinkedIn automation will focus onhyper-personalization, where each message, even automated, seems specially designed for the person it concerns. This goes for adapting messages based on social data, the prospect’s professional background, and previous interactions.

Future LinkedIn automation tools will integrate advanced personalization features, allowing you to adapt the tone, content and format of messages so that they appear authentic and natural (PS: this already exists on Humanlinker!) 

L'artificial intelligence will become the key to making interactions more human, even when automated: AI will be used to analyze and interpret behavioral data and prospect interactions. It will allow you to better understand their expectations, preferences and needs, in order to offer precise recommendations to refine your communication strategy.

Looking even further, AI-based LinkedIn automation tools will be able to react to emotions detected in prospects’ messages, adjusting the content and tone of responses. The AI ​​will also be able to predict the best time to send a message or interact with a prospect, by analyzing their habits and activity on the platform.


To conclude this article, I would say that LinkedIn automation is a bit like having a personal assistant that handles repetitive tasks for you, while still giving you the space to be creative and personal with your clients. 

Automation is implemented in 3 steps: 

  • choose the right tool 
  • configure your content sequences
  • analyze the results

Automation does not mean dehumanize your interactions. On the contrary, in personalizing your messages and using theIA, you will strengthen your relationships and engage your prospects in a more authentic way. 

The future of LinkedIn automation will likely be even more focused on personalization and the intelligent use ofIA, with a fair balance between the efficiency of automated processes and human relations. 

If you manage to juggle these two aspects, automation will become your true ally in transforming prospects into customers and building lasting connections within their network.

With all-in-one tools like Humanlinker, you can automate actions like sending messages and managing leads, allowing you to save valuable time and stay focused on the strategic aspects of your prospecting.

Don’t hesitate to send us a message on our support to let us know how your LinkedIn automation is going! â˜ș

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