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Humanlinker's story

Created in 2020 in Montpellier by Thibault Brioland and Régis Viarre,
Humanlinker is the result of a simple idea: “People buy from People”

This ideal is still true in the digital age.
We are truly convinced of the importance of a human connection in sales.

Humanlinker is a cutting-edge AI Sales Assistant that helps revenue generation teams close more deals through hyper-personalization!
From prospecting to meeting preparation. 

Our team

Thibault Brioland
CEO & Co-Founder
See Thibault on LinkedIn
Régis Viarre
CTO & Co-founder
See Régis on LinkedIn
Christophe Aulnette x Humanlinker
Christophe Aulnette
Sales Advisor
See Christophe on LinkedIn
Emmanuelle Benoliel
Marketing advisor
See Emmanuelle on LinkedIn
Romain Van Elslande
Head of Sales
See Romain on LinkedIn
Arthur Bourgeois
Senior Product manager
See Arthur on LinkedIn
Romuald Pouget
Growth Marketer
See Romuald on LinkedIn
David Lopes
Head of Growth
See David on LinkedIn
Alice Charras
EU Part-Time CMO
See Alice on LinkedIn
Lucia Rios
US Part-Time CMO
See Lucia on LinkedIn
Marie Dozol
UX Designer & Fullstack developer
See Marie on LinkedIn
Nelson Levert
Senior Tech Lead
See Nelson on LinkedIn
Our Customers

Trusted by top companies around the world

Our locations

Our offices

New York
Contact us
Follow the path of hyper-personalization
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Do you have a sales team of more than 5 people?
Find out in 30 minutes how Humanlinker can help you achieve your goals.